четвртак, 18. септембар 2014.

The political crISIS!

While in Scotland, waving flags and waiting for what will happen whit the referendum on independence, in some strange countries, people lose their heads. Why?
All powerful politicians carefully observe what happens in Scotland, and not only that. If Scotland becomes independent, what will happen to other European regions who are looking for the same thing. Will Belgium split and what about Catalonia, Bavaria, Cyprus and so on. Anyway, it all started with Kosovo. Did someone forget that this province is committed unlawful act. And what is now Kosovo, who really wants in the European Union country that is completely outside the law. Serbia was wrong, but what do you do now? 

Before we get back to the poor people who lose their heads, what happens with Ukraine. Until when will Putin be the number one enemy? Until winter? Winter is coming soon, and this is not Game Of Thrones, this is real life. If Scotland becomes independent, who is allowed to say that Crimea has no the same right to separation. And again, let's circle back. What's up with that Kosovo. Except that no one knows where it is, interested in anybody that Kosovo is one of the main bases for the recruitment of jihadists. Islamists in the middle of Europe, Nah. Is this the double play? Serbia was bombed over Kosovo, and who is going to invade Russia? It is hypocritical, Ukraine will defend until the weather is nice, and when winter comes ... 

Frankly, I want the Scots to decide how they want to live, but all this is not the point. Europe is falling apart and we all know it, Disagreement in Europe can be seen from the beginning of the so-called Arab Spring. In the interest of democracy, you've destroyed the local states and the people there left to the butchers. Why? Instead of sending troops there, they talk about some consultants. Consultants, for what? Apparently to help the Iraqi military. Well, Iraq has no longer an army. These are poor people who are for twenty years fighting against all. There is another problem. The rebels who are fighting against Assad in Syria are almost the same as the jihadists. How are we going to attack them, when we are helping them for several years. In the meantime, people are dying. And we act as if they were animals in a zoo. Enough. This is not a question of territory, or of interest, these are human lives. I do not know if you noticed, but we have only one life. I feel sorry for every one that is lost.

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